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PCH Short-Listed for Emma Award by Forum for Expatriate Management (FEM)

Preferred Corporate Housing has been shortlisted for the Forum for Expatriate Management’s (FEM) annual EMMA award for “2016 Corporate Housing Provider of the Year.”

This is the second consecutive year for Preferred Corporate Housing to make the Shortlist of potential winners for an EMMA award. In 2015, Preferred Corporate Housing received “Highly Commended” recognition in this same category.

“We are honored to be included in this exclusive list of recognized temporary housing providers by one of the relocation industry’s leading organizations,” said Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. “FEM is quickly becoming a go-to resource for knowledge-sharing, best practices and partnership within the global talent and mobility industry, and we are thrilled to be considered one of the best corporate housing providers in their eyes,” said Elliott.

The annual Americas Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (EMMAs), “celebrate excellence in global mobility. With over 20 categories, these awards truly recognize leaders, business successes and rising stars,” as described on the FEM website.

“We believe we continue to achieve successes and honors such as this because our entire team is committed to innovation and excellence in the temporary housing services we provide,” said Krista Ripper, Director of Business Development for PCH. “We work each day to find new and exciting ways to improve the guest experience, and we never settle for doing things just because its the way they’ve always been done,” said Ripper.

“Our goal is clear,” said Elliott. “We want to be the best temporary housing provider with the best team, the best options, the best tools and the best prices. Being included in this prestigious list is proof that we are on the right track,” said Elliott.

The final award winners will be announced at the black tie gala event on May 5th at the Hilton City Avenue hotel in Philadelphia.

Posted on: 03/10/2016

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